Korean Boy Names

81 Korean Boy Names You Should Consider for Your Child

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A name has a role and impact on a child’s life. So, when choosing Korean boy names, you should take your time to learn the origins, meaning, and significance of the name.

When choosing a Korean or any other name, you must first ensure the name matches the qualities you want for your child.

First, society judges a person’s character and personality by their name, so you don’t want your son to have a name that is not desired or will make him feel less of himself in front of his friends.

Below are some beautiful Korean boy names for you to pick from.

Korean Boy Names and Meaning

 1. Baek-Hyeon

This is one of Koreans finest names. It is mainly for the first child, and it means “vitreous brother.” Individually, Baek means (older brother) while Hyeon means (vitreous and worthy).

 2.  Beom-Seok

This is one of not so famous names of Korean, which means “pattern of a rock” individually, Beok means (rule, model, or pattern) while Seok means ” like a rock.”

 3. Byung-Chul

This is another cute Korean boy name you can consider for your son. It has varying meanings ” authority,” ” bundle,’ ” wise,” and ” sagacious.”

 4. Byung-Ho

This name is of Korean origins that signify light. Your son will grow to love the name because of its meaning. Byung- ho means “bright,” “great,” and “wise.”

 5. Byung-Hoon

This is one of Koreans most popular boy name’s that means ” soldier,” “together,” authority; to teach or merit.”

 6. Byung-Joon

This is another calm Korean name to consider for your cute son. The name means “Authority,” “talented or handsome.”

7. Byung-Woo

This is a cool name to give your son. It’s of Korean origins that signify “togetherness,” ” authority,” ” eaves,” ” soldier,” “house,” and ” universe.”

 8. Byung-Wook

This is one of the most fantastic Korean boy names you should consider. The name means ” dawn and rising sun,” ” together, “soldier,” and ” authority. “

 9. Bong

This is one of the Koreans unique boy name’s that serves as an inspiration. The name Bong means” a mythical bird,” probably a Phoenix.

10. Yoo-Joon

This Korean name is a variation of (yuu), which means ” tenderness,” courage,” “a friend.” While Joon means” handsome.”

11. Bora

This is a cool Korean boy name that you should consider for your son. This name means “snow, excellent, and brave.”

12. Bon-Hae

This is another Korean most excellent boy name with a beautiful meaning. This name means” the glorious one. “

13. Chin-Hwa

This is another Korean name with Chinese origins. It’s a unique name with a satisfactory meaning. The name means”The most prosperous and wealthiest of all.”

14. Chin-Mae

This is one of the Korean boy names that are so uncommon but unique and special, which means” truth. ” It entails freedom for someone who always tells the truth.

15. Chul

This is one of the few Korean names that is undeniably special. The name Chul means”firm,” Something that is neither soft nor very hard.

16. Chul-Moo

This is a memorable name given chiefly to royal armies. it’s not a popular name which means ” the weapon of iron.”

17. Chung-Ae

This is a cool Korean boy name primarily used for royalties and people of noble birth. The name means ” noble and love. “

18. Chung-Hee

This is a sweet name for your son; it is calm but yet unique the name means “the one who is righteous and dutiful.”

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19. Chung-Ho

This is one of the names that is derived from Korean origins. It is unique, and it’s a well-known name that means “A righteous lake.”

20. Chang-Woo

This is another kind of Korean name that has various significance and meanings. The name Chang-Woo means “vivid,” “illuminating,” ” bright,” and “protection.”

21. Dae-Jung

This is one of the names in Korean that signifiers someone’s true personality. It’s a friendly name to pick for your son. The name means excellent, honest, and righteous”.

22. Dae-Seong

This is one of the Korean boy names that you get excited about before the arrival of your son, especially when you already know the sex of the child and when you have a passion for music. It’s one of the very few Korean names which means ” great high voice,” Independently, the word “Dae” signifies “great, vast, large and high.” While Seong “music, sound, and tone.”

23. Geon

This is a special kind of name that has a combination of other characters but using it alone here makes it more unique. The name means ” strong, respect, or to construct.”

24. Ha-Joon

This is a very cool name in Korean that is well known for its unique significance. The meaning of the name entails “a great talent or a very handsome personality.” Singularly, Ha means “great and summer,” while Joon means ” talented and handsome.”

25. Hwan

This is one of the few Korean names that are unique but not so popular. The name is usually pronounced as H-WAN, which means “bright.”

26. Hyun

This is one of the names of Korean that is linked to great qualities and greatness; the name means ” bright, virtuous, and intelligent.”

27. Hyun-Ki

As simple as this name sounds, it has an extraordinary powerful meaning. This name entails “wise, intelligence, shrewd, clever, and expert.”

28. Hyun-Shik

This is one of the Korean boy names that are popularly derived from Hyun, and it means ” clever or intelligent, “or roots of wisdom.”

29. Jae-Sang

This is a simple Korean name that entails traits of generosity, empathy, and compassion. In Korean, Jae means ” carry, load, convey and transport. Sang means “reciprocate and mutual.”

30. Jeong

This is one of the notable names with Korean origins; it is usually pronounced as “eong,” which means ” silent and chaste.”

31. Jeong-Eun

Like most Korean names, Jeong is a cool name for your boy. It can also be written as (Jong Un) it is an exceptional name for a great personality. Independently Jeong means” upright, straight, loyal, and pure (Eun). This means ” charity, kindness, and mercy.

32. Jeong-Gwon

This is one of the few Sino-Korean origin names that are not so common; the name is exceptionally unique. Jeong means “wealthy, prosperous, righteous, and heavy. Gwon means ” powerful, authority, and right.”

33. Ji-Hun

This is one of the Korean names that translate to varying meanings. The name entails ” a wise person with great achievements or ranks.” Individually, (Ji) means “wisdom, intellect or ambition.” While (Hun) means “meritorious deeds or ranks.”

34. Joon

This is another Korean most popular ideal name for your boy that means “handsome or exceptionally talented.”

35. Joon-Su

This Korean name can also be written as Jun, which means “talented or handsome; while su or SEO means” comfortable, unfold, or felicitous omen.”

36. Joo-Woon

This is a memorable Korean boy name that is mainly given to the first son. Which also has Korean origins. Joo, which is also spelled Ju, means” circumference” while Woo means ‘most refined and beautiful. “

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37. Jung

The name Jung is derived from Korean origins. It’s a popular boy name that is very cool. It entails ” a righteous man.”

39. Jung-Hwa

This another Korean boy name that also has its origins. It is derived from the name Jung which means “a righteous wealthy man.”

40. Kang-Dae

This one of the Korean boy names that are unique, and it’s not a name given to just anybody because of its significance. The name means”a person who is mighty and strong.”

41. Min-Jun

This is a beautiful Korean boy name that means” a clever and a handsome person. individually, the name Min simplifies “strong, clever, affable, sharp, quick and gentle.” While jun, which can also be spelled Joon, means “handsome and talented.”

42. Mi-Sun

Giving your son this beautiful Korean name will be a blessing and a dream come through to any household; the name means “beauty and goodness,” which every parent would want for their child.

43. Myung-Dae

This Korean baby name is suitable for your son because of its meaning. It is an inspirational name that implies a righteous person. The name means “great righteousness. “

44. Sang-Wook

This is a very cool Korean name to consider giving to your son. The name means “good health” or someone who is always healthy.

45. Seo-Jun

This is an excellent Korean name you shouldn’t miss out on its a trendy name and has Korean origin; the name means “auspicious talented person.”

46. Seok

This is one of the many notable Korean names that are cool. Its meaning is “like a rock.” This means the bearer of this name will be super strong in strength, wisdom, and character.

47. Seung

This is one of the influential south Korean boy names with various alternative spellings like; Sung or Seong. The name means “successor or winning.”

48. Seuk-Chin

This Korean boy’s name has alternate spelling like; Seok-Chin has a unique meaning that can’t be compromised; this name means “unshakable rock.”

49. Sung

This is another beautiful Korean name that you can choose for your boy. The name means ” complete or finished.”

50. Tae

This is one of the shortest spelled Korean names with a robust and powerful meaning. The name Tae means “a great person.”

51. Tae-Hyeong

You should consider this name for your son, especially when you have great expectations for your son. This beautiful Korean name means “a superior and exalted person.”

52. Won-Shik

This is another famous Korean origin name that is super cool; this name means “head of the family.”

53. Wook

This is another interesting popular Korean name that is nice. It is mainly pronounced as ” Ook,” and it means “sunrise.”

54. Ye-Joon

This Korean boy’s name has an alternate spelling like “Ye-Jun” Individually, Ye means “talented” while Joon means “handsome.”

55. Yeong

Here’s another Korean boy name that will not only suit your child, but he will undoubtedly grow to love. This name means “courageous person.”

57. Yong-Sun

This is another boy name that had Korean origins. This beautiful name is not so famous, and it entails an extraordinary meaning. means ” dragon in the first position.”

58. Young

This is a Korean-origin boy name that implies a person’s consistency. It’s a unique name that means “a forever unchanging person.”

59. Young-Jae

Here’s another Korean origin name that’s very exciting and special. This name means “a person who is forever destined to be forever prosperous.” What more can you ask for a name?

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60. Young-Min

This is one of the most popular Korean boy names with a special and unique interpretation. The name Young Min means “an intelligent person with eternal prosperity.”

61. Yong-Saeng

This is one of the Korean boy names to consider giving to your child, It one of the few life-promising names which means ” a person who will live forever. ” It implies long life and prosperity.

62. Young-Soo

This is another nice Korean boy name that implies prosperity as well. This name means “prosperity.”

64. Hye

This is a Korean-origin boy name that your boy will grow and like. Although it’s short, it also has a unique interpretation which means”a bright and intelligent person.”

65. Hanuel

This is a name with Korean origins you should consider for your child, especially when you want him to take his spiritual life seriously. The name Hanuel means” heavenly.”

66. Hak-Kun

 This is one of the Korean beautiful origin names that are not so popular but has a unique meaning which is “someone with literate roots

67. Duck-Young

This is a Korean name that is not so common but has a fantastic interpretation that means ” someone’s whose virtue is unchanging and everlasting. “

68. Du-Ho

This is another Korean boy name that also has a fantastic meaning, and it will be suitable for your son. The name means ” head and goodness’.

69. Dong-Sun

This is one of the most not so popular Korean boy names that are nice to consider. It means ” the goodness of the east. “

70. Dong-Min

This is a Korean boy name that has a beautiful meaning. It’s not so popular, and it’s a pretty excellent choice for your son. The name means “east and cleverness.”

71. Dae-Shim

This is another Korean boy name to consider for your child. It has a fantastic meaning, and your boy will undoubtedly grow to love the name. The name means “greatest mind.”

73. In-Su

Here is one of the meaningful Korean boy names that are cool for your child. It has Korean origins, and its beautiful meaning is” preserving wisdom.”

75. Isuel

This is a Korean boy name that’s not so popular but has a solid deep meaning; the name Isuel means “from the dew.”

76. Jum

This is one of the Korean boy names that will set your son up for success. Not only it’s a reserved name, but it’s also Noble. This beautiful name means “a king or a ruler.”

77. Ki

This is one of the Sino-Korean boy names that have a compelling meaning. It’s not a very common name because of its vital significance. The name means” the one who has risen.”

78. Kwan

Here is one of the significant Korean boy names. Very unique and vary considerably from the western culture. This Korean beautiful boy name means “one who is strong.”

79. Korian

This is another rare boy name in Korean that is not so popular. It’s a sweet name to consider choosing your son’s name; this name means”luminous and glorious.”

80.  Kyu

This is one of the cool Korean boy names that will surely bring your child good luck and success. This name means” a certain standard.”

81. Mal-Chin

Here’s another Korean boy name that cools for your son. The name means ” persist to the end.”

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